Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I'm already don't like this week. (Granted my birthday was yesterday) My husband has been working from 7am-8pm. Which means he is gone before the kids are up and he gets home just minutes before they go to bed. He is getting so bothered by this he asked "Why even be married and why did I have kids?" He also said "soon the kids won't even know who I am." That truly hurts the heart. The kids know (well our two girls) know that daddy is working hard for them. And he feels the only time we have is when we are about to go to bed for the night. Which is horrible but true. I miss him so much during the day, I would love to just sit there and text or talk to him all day but what would that do? I absolutely do not like his bosses. Today our daughter was being recognized a student of the month for her class. Well one of his bosses gave him a big ol' stink about how they needed him to be at work and was texting his phone on when he would be in. He missed 2 whole hours of work. This is our first child out of our three in school. Since the others have a few more years til then and we want to enjoy this most special day with her. He is really the only guy at his job with young kids and he cant enjoy the simple things. So like i said, I'm over this week already and it is just tuesday.

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